Friday, May 15, 2009

buyer not a seller

I really have nothing to sell I quess I am more of a buyer than a seller.
I am having trouble with my dahlias this year does anyone know whether u can fertilize them.


  1. you are doing great on your site. don't worry about selling. just have fun looking at others sites and writing on yours. I love your pictures.

  2. Just stopping by to say hi..well I see you are getting the hang of this blogging you got 2 sites go girl...glad you stopped by mine your
    welcome anytime...keep at it your doing great...
    I didn't know that first thing about blogging when I started but it has been fun learning...

  3. Lots of work, keeping everything up here but, good times too. The grandkids all have keys to the house. Sometimes you wake wondering who just let themself in. I am sure we get more love and attention than most of the grandparents do.So the warmth and love is our reward for raising them.And the knowledge they all turned out well

  4. I remember my husband's grandmother using bone meal for her's and they were gorgeous. Just dig a hole next to them about (3-4 inches away) and add a tablespoon of bone meal, water, and put dirt back.



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United States
I love hiking,camping,crocheting, knitting making bread, canning and my family